The fifth edition of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2010), which updates HCM2000, will significantly update how engineers and planners assess the traffic and environmental effects of highway projects: It is the first HCM to provide an integrated multimodal approach to the analysis and evaluation of urban streets from the points of view of automobile drivers, transit passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians; It is the first to address the proper application of micro-simulation analysis and the evaluation of those results; It is the first to discuss active traffic management in relation to both demand and capacity; and It is the first to provide specific tools and generalized service volume tables, to assist planners in quickly sizing future facilities.
The HCM 2010 has been split into:
Volume 1 – Concepts;
Volume 2 – Uninterrupted Flow;
Volume 3 – Interrupted Flow
Highway Capacity Manual 5th Edition (HCM 2010), Transportation Research Board (TRB) (Vol 1+2+3)
Reviewed by Engineer

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