
Free Moisture and Absorption of Aggregates

Free Moisture and Absorption of Aggregates
The moisture content and absorption of aggregates are important in calculating the proportions of concrete mixes since any excess water in the aggregates will be incorporated in the cement paste and give it a higher water/cement ratio than expected.
§  All moisture conditions are expressed in terms of oven dry unit weight.

Moisture conditions of aggregates:

Oven-dry Condition:
All free moisture, whether external surface moisture or internal moisture, driven off by heat.

Air dry: 
No surface moisture, but some internal moisture remains.

Saturated-surface dry condition (SSD):
Aggregates are said to be SSD when their moisture states are such that during mixing they neither absorb any of the mixing water added; nor they contribute any of their contained water to the mix.
Note that aggregates in SSD condition may possess “bound water” (water held by physical chemical bonds at the surface) on their surfaces since this water cannot be easily removed from the aggregate.

Damp or Wet condition:
Aggregate containing moisture in excess of the SSD condition.

Free Moisture and Absorption of Aggregates Free Moisture and Absorption of Aggregates Reviewed by Engineer on 09:16:00 Rating: 5

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